Friday, August 21, 2009

Ready or not... I come!

That's what the school year is saying to me.
I bought books yesterday. Goodness, how I despise that. I nearly spent my whole summers earnings on dang books. The cool thing: I was flipping through them and it made me real excited to learn about these things. I feel reassured that I'm doing the right thing here, and that feels good. We'll see how I feel in a couple weeks when I'm up to my neck in things to memorize and study. The anticipation of it all makes me feel a little queasy.

On another note, I got a new windshield. I've been working and babysitting a ton. I've been very provided for with all the opportunities to babysit lately, and really, all summer. I think I'm going to chop the hair off soon. It's long enough to donate now, and the length is starting to annoy me more than I enjoy it. I go back and forth on it though. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and stuffy head. Talk about horrible timing. I bought some vitamin C and various other meds and am praying for whatever is going on to quickly disappear. Phil Wickham is going to be at UMHB on Sunday and I'm pumped about that.

I think that is it for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know you are going to do great!! Don't get overwhelmed. And anytime you need to talk or vent about how much they are making you learn, I am on;y a phone call away! Love you and can't wait to hear about all of your fun stories!