Wednesday, December 02, 2009

So, this whole no job thing does give me a lot of time to do nothing, which consequently leads to blogging. Hence 2 blog posts in one day. If you missed my favorite picture ever, please do scroll down and check it out. I like that guy (Andrew. and Abe, I guess). 

Last night was the UMHB choir's Christmas concert. Boy, did it get me in the Christmas spirit. The singing was lovely and the words of the songs were even more lovely. Today, to encourage my Christmas spirit even more I've been listening to Andrew Peterson's Christmas album, Behold the Lamb of God. I really like it. 

I read a few blogs of Moms who practice the Advent season with their kids, it has inspired me to focus more on the season. It sounds a bit cliche and cheesy to me to walk around saying "JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!" But, genuinely, I desire to live this season believing that. 

I closed my eyes last night while the choir sang, sat there, let the notes and beautiful words of worship surround me, took a breath in, and felt so much comfort and joy. Christ was born, Christ died so that we may live. I'm just beginning to be able to wrap my mind around a love like that. So awesome.

"Gather round, ye children, come listen to the old story of the power of death undone by an infant born of glory. Son of God, son of man. Sing out with joy for the brave little boy who was God, but he made himself nothing. He gave up his pride and he came here to die like a man. Therefore God exalted him to the place of highest praises, and he gave him a name above every name, the very name of Jesus." -Andrew Peterson, Gather 'Round, Ye Children, Come

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