Wednesday, September 08, 2010

So, I laughed

Whoa baby, it was a long day. It was pretty fun though. All I really did today was hang out with the patients. We started out with exercise therapy where we used those stretchy latex band things, sat in chairs, and did bicep curls while listening to disco music.
An odd way to begin the morning, I agree.
Next was a recreational therapy game that was to get the brain juices flowing. The game goes like this: There's a stack of cards with all different pictures on them. Your partner picks a card for you and you have to wear it on your head like a crown and ask your partner a bunch of yes or no questions to figure out what's on your head. If you can't figure it out and want help you just have to say (in a calm voice) "clue time" and your partner can give you as many 1 word clues as they want.

My partner had a cow.
After going through all the questions I had written out on a cheat sheet like "is it a person?", "is it a place?...animal...etc." He determined it was an animal and I was sure he was going to figure it out.
Except then he kept asking me things about it hanging in a tree. I tried to steer him away from tree dwelling animals, but he didn't take my hints and ended up calling "clue time"
That's when the one word clues began. I figured I would start out hard and go easier if he didn't get it.
Me: Pasture.
Me: No, but you're going in the right direction!
Me: Beef.
Patient: Beaver?
Inside my head: Whaaaa?!?! On the outside: No.
One word clue number three SURELY he'll get it after this one...
Me: Milk.
Patient: CUP?!
Inside my head: Ohhh man, now he is just completely confused...this is NOT therapeutic. On the outside: No. Remember, it's an animal.
Patient: Ohhhh yeah...another clue please?
Okay, another clue. I have to make it REALLY obvious now...
Me: Mooooooooo.
Patient: (with so much excitement) AARDVARK!!!!!!!
Inside my head: uncontrollable laughter. On the outside: uncontrollable laughter.

He stared at me and then asked for another clue.
I said "what says mooooooo?" and then he said "a cow" like that was the dumbest question in the world. I then clapped for him and he got the proudest grin.
See, laughing CAN be therapeutic. For me at least.

After that we did this self awareness therapy game with a balloon and several people got whacked in the face with it before the recreational therapist decided that it may not be the best idea she's ever had.

It was a pretty good day.
More stories to come when I'm not too tired to think.

1 comment:

Allie said...

ha x 1,000,000

love this!