Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Story time again

So, remembering the bird flying into the ladies hair story opened the floodgates for more Alex and Allye stories. I don't know if this is interesting for anyone to read, but I think it's fun, so I'm just gonna type away.

Alex and I went to school together for a couple years and even though she is a year younger than I am we would still get to eat lunch together. One particular day, when I was in first grade and Alex was in kindergarten, I was feeling extremely funny. I was on a roll with telling jokes. Probably something along the lines of "How do you catch a unique rabbit?...younique up on it!" Actually, that's a joke that I just learned a couple weeks ago from my very funny boyfriend. But, that's beside the point. I was telling a lot of good jokes. I remember thinking I was pretty cool, and Alex (who was used to usually being the center of attention) started trying to one up me. I was a little annoyed and so instead of just not laughing at her jokes I started laughing REALLY loud and obnoxiously. This plan quickly backfired when the evil Ms. Knight (my former kindergarten teacher) came over and shushed me and told me that if I wasn't quiet she would tell Ms. E (my first grade teacher) that I should have to turn my card. To this I'm sure I rolled my sassy little eyeballs and thought something like "pshhh, it's already on red...and it's been like that for the past month and a half." She walked away and the jokes continued. I stopped laughing so obnoxiously, but only because other plans were brewing in my crazy little brain.

Ms. Knight got up to leave the lunch room. That's when it of my worst decisions. Alex told some joke about butts (I remember this because I used it as an excuse later to attempt and get myself out of trouble), I took a huge gulp of chocolate milk and "laughed" so hard that I spit it all in Ms. Knight's Texas sized hair. I think I knew the second it actually reached her head that I had made a horrible mistake. I didn't go back to class that day. Instead I sat in the principals office trying to convince him that Alex's jokes really are THAT funny.

I honestly can't remember if he ended up believing me or not. I do remember going back to school the next day and making up some crazy story about how I got like 5 paddlings from him though. Everyone thought I was so tough.

Ms. Knight, if you're reading this somewhere out there, I eeepologize (I'll save that story for another day).

See, always the center of attention. I just wanted the spotlight for one day, and look where it got me...the principals office.

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