Saturday, May 01, 2010

May 1st

I'm on duty tonight, which leaves me with a lot of study time. However, my eye wont stop twitching. It's kind of driving me crazy, and also leaving me with an excuse to not focus.

Speaking of crazy, that's exactly what this week was. I was going non-stop. I don't think I have appreciated my bed more than I did this week. So far, as far as I know, I have passed all of my tests. I wont know about my pediatrics final until Tuesday, which is the one I am most concerned about. I have my OB final (which will also be intense) is Monday morn, then 2 HESIs on tuesday and I'M DONE!

blah blah blah. You don't want to read about boring tests. It's boring me to write about it.

I cannot believe it is May. April flew by like a White-throated Needletail (the fastest bird on can fly 106 mph!). It was a happy month filled with exciting events, milestones, and blessings. Here are a few:

-I turned 21. Got to spend my birthday with my sweet friends.
-I visited Andrew, and rode on my first steamboat.
-Leslie's awesome recital. I'm still excited about how great it was and it was over a week ago.
-I got the job I've been wanting since before Christmas. I am so excited and grateful.

This week is going to be strange. It's almost time for graduation, which means saying bye for now to some of my favorite people. I'll be starting to move, trying to figure out when and where I will be taking statistics, and hopefully planning a couple of trips to see some people I love this summer.

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