I like the word tidbits. It's fun and different and unique. I really don't hear it as much as I would like.
I just looked it up in the dictionary and according to my computer a tidbit is "a small piece of tasty food" or "a small particularly interesting item of gossip or information"
So, this blog title is misleading because what I'm about to write is neither of those things.
Just mere ramblings of a girl who misses her boy and has so much to do but doesn't want to do it.
That's all. Here we go...
Today I completed my first application for a real big girl nursing job. I applied for a labor & delivery position at one of the larger hospitals in New Orleans. It's scary and exciting at the same time. It's pretty far in advance so I'm not expecting much, but I at least feel like I've done something.
12 days until I'm in New Orleans with one of my best pals visiting Andrew for Spring Break. Both Andrew and I are SO very excited to show Allie New Orleans. I'm also very excited for a break from this madness.
I just baked some rockin' chocolate chip cookies. If you know me or have been reading my blog for an extended amount of time, you know I have a low cook-esteem so I'm not one to go around saying I made the best chocolate chip cookies EVER. But really, these were great. Slightly crispy on the outside and a little bit gooey on the inside. Anyway, I'm presenting my inservice to the nurses on my floor tomorrow and I needed a bribe tactic to get them into the break room. If there is anything I've learned from working at a hospital the past 2 years it's that nurses LOVE food. Cookies= people in the break room "paying attention" to me blabbing about surgical infection prevention.
Wedding planning together from a distance hasn't been too difficult for Andrew and I. Mostly because we're flying by the seat of our pants with a good portion of it, and also we're literally flying to Hawaii and getting married on a beach...how much planning is necessary for that? But the parts that we have had to plan have been interesting. Like shopping with Andrew for a shirt to wear via text...
I do not understand the boy sometimes. I love that the only reason he didn't want to try it on is because he didn't want to unfold it. Ha!
I also want to tell you that I got a text message about 5 minutes later that said "if i had to put that back together to save my life you would need to start planning a funeral instead of a wedding."
Ohhh Andrew.
Every time I get a bad attitude these days about school or being away from Andrew, my nursing family has been doing a heck of a job of reminding me that I need to be soaking up every second with this special community we've built. I'm really going to miss them. It's weird because we're not all best friends, most of don't hang out outside of class; but when we're together there is so much laughing and joy and it's just so much fun.
This week is my last week with my compadres on the ICU that have taught me so much. I'm not too sad to say goodbye because it means that I get to stop waking up at 4:30am. I am grateful for my time there though...it's flown by.
All in all, even though I complain about how I just want May to be here, it's going by so quickly.
I'll graduate in 65 days.
Get married in 112 days.
Move to New Orleans in 123 days.
Life is about to change a lot. I couldn't be more excited. But I keep needing to remind myself to soak this part in, too.
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