Monday, September 24, 2007

Dam Blessings

After a long, hard weekend and day, I decided that I would go to the dam and watch the sun set. I always feel encouraged by it's beauty, and sitting there just gives me a chance to think, reflect and gives me an interesting place to do my homework sometimes. Tonight I was reading some essays for English, occasionally looking up at the sunset. The sun had gone behind some clouds, something that has happened the past couple of times I have gone. I got a little frustrated, and being silly I thought, "is God trying to tell me something? I just need some encouragement and the sun went behind the stinkin clouds, there is no hope." I went back to reading and about 5 minutes later a silver PT Cruiser pulls up beside my truck, 2 little girls and a little boy jump out, their dad gets a cooler and a fold up chair out of the trunk and sits down to drink a beer while the kids run around. One of the little girls, who has the blondest hair I have ever seen with big pretty blue eyes and a pink dress on comes over to my truck and climbs up into the bed where I was reading and asks "can I sit here?" I said sure, and went back to reading. Her dad yells from across the way ''Kayden leave her along, she's busy reading'' I tell him that it's aright and she isn't bothering me. To her satisfaction, she yells back ''yeah daddy, she WANTS to talk to me.'' I look at her and smile and tell her that she has a pretty name, her response: "I know. K-A-Y-D-E-N, Kayden.'' We went on to talk about how she is 5 and a quarter years old and for her birthday party last year she had a princess cake. After talking about princesses and frogs and birthday parties, she says something strange, "I need some advice". I laughed a little thinking, uh, okay, about what episode of barney you should watch next? She looked at me crossly ''it's NOT funny.'' I said ''I know, I'm sorry, what do you need advice about?''. She says ''NOO I don't need advice, I need to give you advice...'' I said ''alright, what is it??'' She responds with ''I hope you know that God loves you.'' I teared up a little and looked up at the sunset to try to stop my tears, and to my surprise, the sun which had gone behind the clouds was shooting beams of light up into the top of the sky. It was beautiful, her words were beautiful. Kayden, the little blonde haired, blue eyed 5 and a quarter year old messenger changed my outlook on what has been going on. Yes, things stink right now, bad. But the Lord of creation, my Father loves me. I needed to be reminded of that.

Thank you Lord for showing me in the most interesting of ways that you are here, you love me, and are on my side.

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