Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gettin' in the groove

The first days are over.
The real first day (wednesday) was a good one. Although it was long (8am-8:45pm), it didn't seem so long because of breaks in my schedule. I had time to eat, hang out with friends, watch tv, etc. Today, however, felt never ending. Started at 9:30, and didn't finish until 5:30. No breaks. Yes, you read breaks. Well, technically I will usually have a 3o minute break to grab some lunch but because I didn't think it through today, I thought that would be a nice time to return the psych book that I purchased the wrong edition of. All that to say, I was hungry after 4 hours of bio organic chemistry. Man, that class is going to be hard. You can always tell a class is going to be hard when the professor doesn't even bother with the syllabus and starts lecturing. What a drag.

I forgot how much chemistry DOES NOT make sense to my poor brain. I'm up for the challenge now, I just hope that I will not get discouraged.

Today was rough. I'm not going to go into all the details, because it's really not that entertaining, but I ended up sitting in on the wrong old testament class. I did learn about Mesopotamia and Israel, but it wasn't the right class. I also stepped in gum twice. The first time I was just plain ticked off because it was right after the whole old testament fiasco. The second time I laughed, but it was one of those "this is hilarious because it's the second time that I have stepped in gum today...but not really hilarious" laughs. You know? Maybe not.

School really is fun though. Hardy (the dining hall) got an update...a new deli section. I was pretty excited about that. We watched a super funny safety video from the 80's in chem where they had a manikin doing stop drop in roll while it was on fire. Funny. I got a coupon for two free glazed donuts at Shipleys. Friends are fun. Tomorrow is Friday, and we already have a three day weekend ahead of us!

Happy Labor day! Enjoy not laboring.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

enjoy georgetown!