Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sleepy. So very sleepy.

Okay so I can't sleep because of a dang loud cricket stuck in my AC.
He's been there for the past two nights. Two nights of LOUD, and I mean LOUD cricket chirping. As I was trying so so so hard to fall asleep last night I thought "just imagine you're camping out under the stars and this cricket is just singing you to sleep".
That didn't work.
It just made my homicidal ideations (can you tell I spent 12 hours doing psych nursing today?) for the cricket worse.
After what I've put him through I know he's hoping to die as much as I'm hoping for him to die.
I literally poured 409 in my AC last night thinking this would poison him. It didn't do the trick. Why 409 you ask? Well, it's the only cleaner I have besides clorox wipes and it just seems toxic. He's a resilient little bugger.
I don't know why the cricket is a "he".
Maybe because I'm subconsciously hoping that it's not a "she" laying tons of little cricket eggs to hatch and drive me insane. Do crickets lay eggs? No idea.

Speaking of insane.
-I caught a patient mid-fall. After repeatedly asking this patient to remain seated they decided that wasn't what they wanted to do, got up, got wobbly and started falling. I saw it out of the corner of my eye, darted over and caught them. (by "caught them" I really mean I stuck my knee out for them to land on and slid them down my leg. not really "catching" i suppose, just making the fall less of a fall). I patted myself on the back. That is, after I washed off my arm from where the patient's nails dug into it. Filled out my first injury incident report. Just in case.
-I got the "evil spirits" picked off of me.
-I learned that "burnt coffee is poisonous. more poisonous than smoking cigarettes. It gets into your lungs and poisons you."
-I got yelled by a patient for not giving him my pen. Not even 2 minutes after yelling at me the patient comes back and says in the sweetest voice possible with a big smile "miss, could i have your pen?" Repeat this about 15 more times.
-I said for the first time (and hopefully last time) "I do not see jets flying above us trying to drop scissors into our skulls"
-My belief that I will not be a psych nurse was reaffirmed x 10.

ps- i googled if crickets lay eggs and what I found did not bring me peace: "Each female cricket will lay about 100 eggs in her lifetime. She will lay about 5-10 per day until 100 is reached."

Please, oh please let it be a him. Or AT LEAST a non-pregnated she.
Because I really need sleep.


Ging said...

I like your post! it's nice reading your blog-tired of reading about psych stuff.

Anonymous said...

ging would be me...roscelee.