Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rambly Ramblerson

So apparently my continued illness is not just affecting me.
Today after church in the parking lot I had Maddie slow down the car so I could open the door and spit (disgusting I know, but it's become normal in my world these days) Maddie said in an appalled voice "I feel like you've had loogies the whole time I've known you!!"

I know Maddie, I feel like I've had them that long too.

Other than loogies, things are good. I'm becoming a master at deep breathing, self encouragement, and positive thinking. I just wrote a whole post about how frustrating, scary and beautiful the unknown is, but I decided it was too heavy. So, here goes one of those stream of consciousness posts.

I'm in this mood where I like to listen to certain songs over and over again and I'm sure its driving my suite-mates crazy.
My phone decided that it didn't want to charge anymore. Thank goodness I'm one of the clumsiest people on earth and force myself to pay the extra $7 a month for insurance. Got a brand spankin' new, shiny phone today FO' FREE! (unless you count the $7 I've paid for the past 13, oh well).
The new(ish) coffee shop in Belton has become my second home. All of my cardigans smell like coffee and I'm sure my teeth are slowly becoming more and more stained. I see a box of crest whitestrips in my future.
My goal for the week is to wean myself off nyquil. Shouldn't be hard if the cough will cooperate.
Folding three weeks of laundry is FUN. (not)
Week two in the psych ward. Psyched? Kind of.
I start a bible study tomorrow night with some of my favorite women and I could not be more excited about it.
Andrew is coming in three days. It's going to be real hard to focus on much else.

1 comment:

Allie said...

aI believe our brains work similarly because everything about that post was easy to follow, actually more like comfortable to follow. Oh dear.