Friday, June 12, 2009


I've seen the Lord's faithfulness recently, not that I don't see it daily, but recently it's been so very evident.

I haven't been scheduled at work for the hours I need to survive. By survive I mean pay rent, insurance, and eat. Not hard right? Harder than I thought...
Anyway, since I'm not getting any hours at work, I've been looking for more work. Right when I started looking around my phone rang...sure I'll babysit for you. 3 more calls later, I have a shift at work, and 5 babysitting jobs.


Isn't it great to be provided for?
In other news, Kenzie our sweet (and very fast) dog decided that she would go for a run during a hail storm the other night. I ran after that dog for blocks knowing that if I lost sight of her I would probably never see her again. It kinda inspired me to run more though. So, thanks Kenz.

I'm loving living here. The roommates are great. We are having such a fun time. I finally got the motivation to decorate my room, now the rest of the house needs help.
I bought a new candle at Target yesterday and it smells SO good. I wish I could capture the smell and make it come through your computer so you could smell it. That might be scary though. If your looking for a candle though-- it's vanilla & rice flower.
Here's the cutie herself:

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