Monday, June 01, 2009

Homeless Steve

Oh what fun summer is. 

I'm really enjoying myself lately. 
I have a couple of adventures to tell.

The other night Robyn, Brooke and I ventured to the wonderful city of Austin to see Sunshine Cleaning (which by the way was really good, but not funny. if you see it, don't go into it expecting a funny movie, because you might be disappointed).  We got some delish Freebirds and then had a couple of hours to spare so we decided to just walk around a little on Congress. Little did we know that it would lead us to get into a private members only art show at the Austin Museum of Art, and later to sit in on a House of Representatives meeting at the capitol. After we were done looking at fascinating art and learning about gas tax, we headed to the movie and had a grand ole time buying a $9 ticket that no one ever checked. Awesome. 


Sunday night after Julie and I got done teaching bible study we were chillin outside FBC Holland, smelling the sweet corn in the air (not really, but i thought it might sound cool, since there is by far more corn than humans in Holland). Anyway, we were watching some kids play around and an older gentlemen approaches us with an offer to come visit his country home with him and his wife saying "it's just down the road". We follow them in their truck, driving, driving, driving. Thinking "OK, maybe it's this house..." Nope. After almost hitting a herd of deer (is herd the correct term?), watching a few of them nearly commit suicide by trying to jump over fences, and driving through a corn field, we make it to an awesome house. They were super sweet and told us we could bring friends over any time and that Beverly (the wife) would make us breakfast! It made me want to skip a few decades for a second and be sweet old people. I can wait though...

My summer school Statistics class got cancelled because it was just me and one guy registered. Kind of a bummer, but I'm not crying or anything. 

Keep the fun times rollin, Summer. 

Oh, and in regards to the title that I realized I never addressed. While in Austin Robyn bought a homeless guy (Steve) a pita. 


Unknown said...

Sounds like Oh so very much fun!

Robyn said...

I really wish I was there when you went to the old peoples house! can we go eat with them sometime?

Robyn Allison said... <---- we need to do that