Friday, August 20, 2010

Hasta La Vista Summer!

Yes, I am alive.
I really don't have that much to blog about because I have been doing the same thing for the past 2 weeks...RA stuff, RA stuff, oh and MORE RA stuff!

All of my freshman are here. All 32 of them. I love it. Yesterday we had our first dorm meeting and all of the girls on my wing (which happens to be the largest one) showed up. I felt like a proud mamma.

I'm glad to be done with RA training and check in. It was hectic and tiring. I just looked at my syllabus' (syllabi?) for school this semester and my heart started racing because I have SO MUCH to read before school starts on Monday. I'll be camping out in my room tonight. The joys of nursing school.

I'm mostly excited for school to start. I get those nauseating butterflies when I really think about it though. It's going to be a tough semester I've heard, but I'm grateful that I have my wonderful nursing family to endure it with.

Time to bust out the books and crayons (I use crayons to highlight because I don't like how highlighters bleed through the pages sometimes...nerdy, I know)!


Allie said...

you're going to be the best nurse.

Allie said...

Don't tell Jessica or Alyssa I said that. And definitely don't post it on the WWW for them to see.