Saturday, August 25, 2007

How do I really feel about this?

I'm alone tonight in the dorm. Not necessarily a bad thing, just something that I haven't experienced yet. Because I have nobody here keeping me busy in conversation or just with company, I have some time to think, and feel a little more. I haven't really thought about this whole experience, being in college, growing up, starting a new journey. It's weird to be here on a Saturday night knowing that I won't wake up in the morning and go to FBC Keller and sit on the front row by my favorite people in the world. It's also neat though that I'm getting the opportunity to meet new people, explore new places, and learn new things, and I'm excited about that. I'm just having some difficulty truly seeing the neat-ness of it yet. It's hard for me to see past missing the people I love. I know it will get easier, once I get used to this new life a little more. I'm just questioning if this was the right decision for me to make. I'm honestly not sure. I'm trusting that if it isn't, then I will know. I have a lot to overcome, a lot to get past, a lot to heal from, and I feel that being here might be hindering that. I also feel like this is a HUGE transition and it's just hard now, and maybe once I get used to things I'll be able to start dealing with the other things.
I just don't know.
That's all.

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