Thursday, February 21, 2008

Crazy little week

I would take a deep breath and sigh that this week is almost over if I could without phlegm blocking my airways. I know, it's nasty. But the past few days I have been s-i-c-k. I went to the Doctor today and learned that I only have a upper respiratory infection, so nothing serious. Got some antibiotics and mucinex and I'm on the road to wellness. In fact, I am already feeling a bit better!

This was a little bit of a rough week though. 3 tests and an essay due plus sickness and non-cooperating or sympathetic managers makes for quite an interesting combo. I didn't go into work, but will possibly be "written up" for this event. Whatever that means. Please people, tell me if you would like to have a sick waitress coughing all over your food! Gah. I think my lab practical went well, I'm not sure how the A&P test went today, and my English test is tomorrow.

On Monday, my friend Danibeth and I went to this new little coffee shop in Belton (right next to Wok's Chinese Restaurant & Club <-ha). It was de-licious, and pretty decently priced. It's called Dee's coffee shop or something like that. Anyway, I recommend it if you're ever in Belton and craving a good sandwich (and carb-free chips, which were surprisingly good and crunchy!). I didn't go to free Methodist lunch Wednesday this week because I wasn't feeling up to it, but last week was meatloaf, and yummy it was. I love free Methodist lunch Wednesday.

I'm sure some people are wondering how my friend and her son are doing. AND, I actually talked to her today. They are all moved in and settled at the St. Jude facilities. She is living in an apartment, house type thing, and Tim is of course staying in the hospital. They have started him on chemo, and are planning on doing some more in depth testing this up coming week. So far, so good. Since his first night in the hospital a few week ago he has gained a good amount of weight, so they felt comfortable starting the chemo. Please keep praying. She said tonight "I can tell a difference in me, I feel stronger and a little less scared. I feel like God is in control and he is listening to all we are asking." She has been reading the little Gideon bible I gave her the day she left for Tennessee and she is changing. Miracles are happening, God is so good.

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