Saturday, April 04, 2009

I'll stay by you when it don't come easy

Have you ever looked at your calender and felt a little suffocated? I felt that way today. and yesterday. and the day before.

I'm overwhelmed.


Things are winding down, which interestingly enough means things are really picking up. Some how my professors are planning on fitting 11 tests in before May. Yes, 11. My mind has yet to wrap around this...I guess I better try and convince it to wrap fast.

30 days until Summer.
For real?!

Good gravy, this year has gone by so fast!

I'm ready for it to be over, but also want it to last forever. I'm going to miss so much about this year, I know it. Why do people have to grow up and graduate?

So is life.

PS- I'm turning 20 on Wednesday. I cannot believe it. 20. 20. 20. Whoa baby. Scary, sad, exciting, crazy. When people ask how old I am I still say 18 sometimes. I don't think I'm ready for 20.

So is life.

love you,

1 comment:

mr cook said...

happy birthday, allye