Sunday, August 02, 2009


Things are coming together.
Lindsey, one of our permanent roommates moved in at the end of last week.
I finally found a dresser on craigs list (for $10 might I add). I painted it brown with green and orange drawers. I like it a lot.
Allie is moving in soon.
Kelsey soon after that.
We got cable. So You Think You Can Dance is an official member of our house.
Things are finally getting hung on the walls.
It's beginning to feel a little more like home.
I've been needing that.

Summer is still coming to an end. I was talking to one of my nursing buddies at church this morning and we both shared the same feelings: about an ounce of excitement and 200 pounds of fear. Also, I thought about having to buy books today and my stomach sank a little.
Speaking of books, I haven't read any more of the books I said I was going to read this summer. I'm such a bum.

That's all.
Love you.


mel said...

here's what I have to say about nursing,

Stay excited. It's fun! Don't be afraid of it. Honestly, it's way more doable than everyone says it is. People are drama queens for no reason. Don't let people freak you out. I'm a huge procrastinator and terrible studier. But you figure it out. Go to class, study and at the end of the day, take the time to hang out with friends, take naps, and enjoy life. :) That's my advice at least. It's worked for me so far.


chelsea said...

i want to see a picture of your painted furniture fantasticness.