Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Valentines day is such a great holiday.
I hear so much blah blah blah from people hating on it because of "it's just an excuse for hallmark to make money..to sell chocolate..blah blah blah".
That's not how I see it.

It's a day dedicated to showing love. How in the world can that be bad?

Yesterday I spent probably around 3/4ths of the day dreaming of future valentines day. I'm all for living for the present, but yesterday the future seemed much more desirable.

I thought about how I would make a cute multi colored heart garland at the end of January, and hang it in our living room. Then probably leave it there for a few months, just cause.

I dreamt of waking up early to make my sweetie and I heart shaped pancakes.

I decided that I would fill up bowls of conversation hearts. (oh, wait. that actually happened)

My mind wandered to making handmade valentines with my littles for their friends.

I couldn't stop thinking of ways to make next year special.
It was fun.

When I wasn't in dreamland I had fun, too! Kinda. My capstone group went on a valentines day lunch date to discuss our project.
I sat through 2.5 hours of invigorating discussion about texas nursing legislature at the texas nursing association district 7 meeting. Fluffy delicious valentines day cookies were provided though, so that made it all worth it...gosh those cookies...so good.

I drew this for Andrew during the meeting.
After the meeting I went on a double date to eat sushi with 3 of my beautiful nursing friends.
I stuffed myself silly with fish. Oh boy, it was goooood.
Overall it was a special day. Even if all I would have done was dream about the future it would have been special.
Just because thats how love is.
It makes days happy and full of special-ness.

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