Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Seeing past the fog

Last night after rehearsal when I was walking back to my room there was a thick layer of fog covering the campus. It was so eerie. I felt like a was in a Harry Potter book or something. Why Harry Potter? I don't know. When I looked up at the street lights and followed the light with my eyes, the rays moved through the fog as I walked. I looked far off to test how far I could see despite the thickness, and I could see the silhouettes of trees and a few people. I have never been in anything like that. I looked up and noticed where the fog retreated into sky, it was a clear line where the fog diminished into clarity, like I was walking in a cloud. In that moment my random little brain related the thick fog I was walking through to the "thick fog of life" that I feel like I am walking through now. I'm going to spare you the details of this "fog", because I'm not writing this to concentrate on that. I'm writing because of the hope that God showed me through the fog. That's why I picked that picture up there, the fog last night was not anywhere close to being as beautiful as that, for many reasons but one apparent one: I'm in Belton not The Netherlands or somewhere cool like that where that picture was probably taken. Anyway, I picked the picture because of it's beauty. Amidst the yucky, gloomy fog, I looked up and saw clarity. Where the fog turned into clear night sky. I felt like God was telling me that there is so much past the fog I am walking through, if I look hard enough with hope to notice, I will see. I will see what I have to look forward to, instead of being plagued by the past. I will see the truth instead of the lie that this fog will remain. I'm looking forward to the day that the fog is gone, but for now I will remain strong in the hope of seeing past the fog, the hope that God has shown me. I'm grateful for that hope and I long to keep that outlook of hope even if the fog thickens.

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