Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Almost There

Hello, blogging world! It's been a while. Since I last blogged I have turned a whole year older, learned some chinese, played with goats and quit my job. Some big steps in life. :)

My birthday was made special this year by so many people! It was a really great day/weekend. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the special-ness of it, I'm so grateful for your love and friendship!
My friend LamLam is helping me learn Chinese (kinda). We've only had one lesson, but I plan on making it a regular thing. She was very impressed by the KHS choir shirts from last year that Danielle, Monica and I designed that say "singing family" on the front of them in Chinese characters. I'm glad it actually means that...I've always been a little skeptical if it meant what we thought it did. Anyway, LamLam is cool and I'm excited about being her friend.
Play day was last week, and it was so fun! We got to ride a ferris wheel, swings, play with goats, bunnies and other cute farm babies, and to top it all off--we got free food. It was spectacular and if I was kind of iffy about whether I wanted to go to UMHB, play day would seal the deal.
I quit Cotton Patch. I'm excited and sad about it all at the same time. Mainly excited though. I love my job, specifically getting to work with neat people and learn about life, but I figure I can find somewhere a little less stress-filled, and still get the satisfaction of meeting and talking to new people. I'm going to try to enjoy this last week on the job by attempting to make conversation with everyone that I haven't really talked to yet. It will be an adventure!

The end of the school year is almost here, which means the most stressful weeks are upon us. I really cannot believe it's almost been a year. I'm excited that it's been a year, but it just doesn't feel like that long. I have a test tomorrow, 4 tests next week, and 3 the following week. I think that if that doesn't take me down, not much can...well, maybe next semester's schedule, but i'm not going to go there quite yet. I'm looking forward to being done for a month until summer school starts.
Well, I think that just about does it.

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