Saturday, April 05, 2008

This and That

If you're beginning to read this thinking "I bet Allye's writing this instead of studying", you would be completely right. It seems like when I get tired of studying and What Not to Wear isn't on, this is where I come.

I had my advising meeting yesterday, and aside from being extremely scared/intimidated by my advisor, it went well. I got myself all registered, and I'm ready to go. I might regret taking Developmental Psych at 8 am, but I keep remembering that I woke up early everyday for high school, so I guess can do it 3 days of the week for college.

Today was a beautiful day. Since the library didn't open until 1:00 today, I sat outside and studied. When my eyes needed a break from reading I watched the squirrels. They are so neat. There was one with only half a tail that I liked a lot. I got another one arm tan while studying, so now both of my arms have a nice uneven farmers tan. It's cool. I'm proud of how much I studied today, even though I still feel like I have quite a lot to do, I feel slightly accomplished.

I like having a roommate who works at starbucks. Free tea and coffee has changed my life.

I'm taking an online defensive driving course to dismiss a speeding ticket I got a couple months ago. I'm taking it at and it's hilarious! There's this little cartoon character guy who talks to you about safe driving and makes corny jokes. I think I'm enjoying it more than I should.

This book is awesome. One of my choir friends, Kelsey, brought this book on tour the other day. I think I'm going to buy it someday. It starts out with some simple "get to know you" questions and as you go on, the questions get more in depth and thought provoking. There are funny questions, serious questions, and questions that make you say "hmmm?". It was a fun way to get to know some of my new friends. I think it would be a great book for finding out what people believed too, mainly because you can kinda do it discretely without being like "SO, what do you think about Jesus?", even though sometimes that's the right way to do it. Anyway, it's fun. I recommend it. : )

I really should pack or study or work on defensive driving, or something.

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