Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Today in Developmental Psychology we talked about how last night will most likely be a 'flashbulb memory' for us. My professor reminded us about how when we think about 9/11, we can remember exactly where we were, what we were doing, etc. She thinks that last night's election will have the same effect on us. I guess my flashbulb will be sitting in my room with CNN on and the volume turned down. I will probably remember watching the constant updates on twitter and also laughing out loud at times at people's status' on facebook. It is interesting to think of thinking back on last night. I might remember that I was much more concerned about personal things going on than I was who was going to be the leader of our nation...I might feel silly about that. Maybe not. Either way, last night made history. I guess no matter how wonderful or terrible Obama is, we will remember last night as something special. It's special and unique to us in different ways. America decided last night that Obama is the one who is going to be in charge for the next four years, now we get to wait and see how it goes and trust that God's plan is a perfect one.

Decisions are hard.
Waiting is hard.
Trusting that God's plan is perfect is hard.
I'm not as good at any of these things as I hope to be.

It's neat how something so big, like a presidential election, can relate to something so little, like my life.

1 comment:

Allie said...

I keep forgetting what a huge deal this is. It's kinda cool. "back when I was 20 we elected our first African-American president". Ha