Monday, February 01, 2010

Jillian kicked my butt

Today I began Jillian Michael's 30 day shred DVD workout.

Let me tell ya, that Jillian is a toughie. This workout hurts. I even took little 5 second breaks every now and again...I would have taken longer but Jillian scares me too bad. Right when you start slacking she says "THESE ABS DON'T COME FREE!". Ha. At one point I started laughing because I was amazed at the pain I was in, and also amazed at how intimidated I was by a lady in the TV. Then I realized that laughing just made it worse, and that if Jillian knew I was laughing at her, I probably wouldn't live to see tomorrow, so I stopped.

After it was over, I sat on the ground; my legs, arms, and ab muscles shaking, feeling defeated. That defeated feeling could have been because during one of the intense jumping jack sections of the workout I hit my hand really hard on the ceiling fan. Or, I guess just because it was a stinking ridiculously hard workout. I thought: "I'm sorry Jillian, but this just might have to be a short relationship, because I'm in some serious pain right now, and I know its good, but really, it doesn't feel anything like good should feel."

I drank some water, sat there and let my muscles shake some more. After about 5 minutes that defeated feeling started wearing off. Don't get me wrong, I was still in pain. In fact, my arms are shaking as I type, I just felt kinda powerful. Then I thought: "Okay Jillian, I'll give you another chance. You're mean, scary, and you make my muscles shake, but LETS DO THIS! (tomorrow).

Hopefully in 30 days my muscles won't be so shaky.

Also, I know you will probably want to know how to achieve that fantastic work-out hairstyle I've got going on. It's really quite simple, if you are interested, I'll give you some instruction.


Unknown said...

Oh man, I have done that work-out...not all the way through, but every now and then....It is some tough stuff! Way to go Allye!!

Monica said...

And this has been my favorite post so far.
Besides the one about me, cause I'm full of it.