Saturday, February 06, 2010

Super week!

What a great week! A lot of really neat things happened. To name a few...
-I got to see TWO babies born. With both of them, my job was to clean them off, warmed up, all the mucus sucked out of their mouth and nose, then take their first set of vital signs. I don't care how gross babies look when they come out, it's precious. With one of the babies, I got to hand her to her momma for the first time. It was really special. I can officially say that I loved labor and delivery. As a job? Maybe, maybe not. We'll just have to wait and see. (okay, that was way too long of a bullet).
-I forgot my dinner that I packed for clinicals in the car, so I had an excuse to a slice of that glorious scott and white pizza. Yum!
-Robyn and I made some closure on our Costa Rica trip. We're staying at what looks to be a really awesome place on the beach, with a spa that has $25 massages. I will be getting one or two or three of those. Needless to say, I'm pumped.
-I found out where I am going to live next year (crazy turn of events, but exciting! I will explain more later.)
-Just because seeing babies born was seriously so awesome, it gets another bullet. And because that's all I've got.

Now, I'm on my way out the door to go have lunch with Monica for her birthday! Can't wait to hug that girl.

Unrelated side note: I drank my first coke in 3 weeks last night and my stomach has not stopped hurting since. Coincidence? Maybe, but I'm convinced to not drink coke anymore.
One more side note (for Andrew)... Go Saints!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh man, I love labor and delivery! and you should try the flat bread salad that S&W has to offer the next time that you 'forget' your lunch! (I don't think they have it for dinner.) it is enough to share with someone and it is DELICIOUS!!!