Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lombardi Gras

So, the Mardi Gras trip was great. I was a little worried that the freakishly cold weather/snow in Texas would put a damper on my trip, but thankfully I flew out of Austin this time, so I didn't get tied up.

We had fun. New Orleans is such a neat, fun, exciting place to be...especially now! Everyone is excited about the Saints, excited about Mardi Gras, and mostly, probably excited that they have the opportunity to eat beignets and crabby jacks every day if they wanted (I would be).

The trip was too short, and coming back was hard. But, this week should go by fast. This week I have my first "community rotation" for clinical. I'll be teaching a breast feeding class, and a prepared child-birth class. I'm anticipating for it to be an interesting experience considering I have never breast fed or given birth and I'm expected to know what I'm talking about.

I'm still in the process of reading the new Donald Miller book that I got for Christmas, "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years". I got to read a good chunk of it during the travel part of my trip because I conveniently forgot to pack my Maternity Nursing book. Gosh, it's good. It's gotten me thinking about my story, where I am now, what I'm doing, where I'm going, why I am going there, who I am reaching and influencing, etc, etc. I'm eager to finish it, although that probably wont happen until my Costa Rica trip. All that to say, you should read it. Especially if you like Miller's older stuff, you will especially like this. It still has that laid back Donald Miller feel, but with a little more structure.

Well, that's that. And here are a couple fun pictures from this weekend to wrap this up:

Thanks for tuning in.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Y'all are so cute.