Wednesday, December 16, 2009

barking dogs

Working 10 hours straight at a fast food, um, excuse me, quick service restaurant is brutal. Especially when you're not exactly feeling up to par.

I'm not sure how the heck I am sick again. I seriously JUST got over this same thing (nose, head, ear congestion, and sore throat) about 2 weeks ago. I think my immune system has some explainin' to do.

One week until I'm done with work for a while, and enjoying Christmas.
I'm excited.

Today when I was leaving work I passed by a salvation army guy ringing his bell. It reminded me of when I worked at cotton patch, this time 2 years ago, and was walking into work when a teenager who was texting hit me with her car. It knocked me down, but I was fine, just had a HUGE bruise on my hip the next day. The salvation army guy, however, was not fine. He yelled at that girl, and threw his lil bell on the ground. The poor girl, bawled her eyes out, and apologized 45 times, while the salvation army guy was yelling "THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T USE THOSE DANG CELL PHONES WHILE YOU DRIVE! GAH KIDS TODAY!" I told her I was fine and limped inside to Cotton Patch, where every single person eating asked if I was okay.

Alright, that's my random holiday story for the day.

1 comment:

Allie said...

ha ha i love that story