Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday (or Sunday) Love: Julie

I forgot about Saturday love again, until now, and it's Sunday.
So, here's the Sunday version of Saturday love:

Jules, Ju, JuJu Bear, Momma, Julie. All the nicknames mean love. I don't know if I would have survived this summer without my Julie. Our friendship started out as an interesting one. You see, Julie has this way about her, somehow even though she is so sweet and kind, she made me think she didn't like me. Until one day when I was walking out of choir rehearsal and she asked me if I wanted to swing on the bench swing with her. I was delighted, and even though I had to be at work in 30 minutes, I sat with her and talked until Leah was done with her meeting. The rest is history. We live together now, and hopefully will continue to...if SOMEONE doesn't choose grad school over me ;).

Favorite memory together: There are lots, considering half of my memories these days have her in them. But one time that I will always look back on and smile is when we were driving back from Holland after bible study (Julie and I lead bible study together this summer, if you remember my posts about those hilarious middle schoolers). I had ALWAYS wanted to pick an ear of corn from the side of the road. Julie (being the great momma she is) repeatedly told me that this was stealing, and wrong. I pushed her enough on the subject and she finally agreed to pull over. Colton and I jumped out of the car, Julie yelled "go, go, go!" and we tried to grab a couple ears of corn. Well, one of us, I'm still not sure who, ripped up an entire stock and threw it in the car. We laughed so hard we were crying and Ju nearly peed her pants. The corn was nasty when we cooked it, but it was still worth it.

Jules, I'm so grateful for you. I love climbing in your big comfy bed with all the other roomies and talking, keeping you up past your grown up bed time. Please don't go to grad school and leave me. Unless you really want to, then I'll just be all alone. Whatever. I'm glad you decided to like me and invite me to swing with you.

Love you.


Anonymous said...

:) I LOVE YOU!!!! I am so thankful for your friendship! COME WITH ME TO CALI!!

Allie said...

eh, she's alright.