Thursday, April 14, 2011


Let me tell you a little bit about my sweet, wonderful, absolutely perfect shower this weekend.
Maybe I should be a bit more specific. I'm about to tell you about my BRIDAL shower.

It was SO fun. I was nervous about it the morning of. Like, butterflies in my stomach, couldn't finish my whole sandwich at lunch kind of nervous. Ridiculous, I know. I just DO NOT like attention being on me, and a bridal shower (with me as the bride) naturally means the attention is going to be on me. I thought I was going to be super awkward opening gifts. I get into this cycle when opening gifts in front of people where I think I'm not being enthusiastic enough, so I overcompensate with WAY too much enthusiasm. I told my friends to scratch their nose if they caught me doing it. They only scratched their nose once and it was when I opened my KITCHEN AID MIXER. Yeah, there is no such thing as too much enthusiasm over that.

Anyway, it was great. The hostesses did such a wonderful job of making it super perfect. It was themes love birds. You can't go wrong with a bird theme, they are just precious.

The food was bird themed, there were little paper birds for people to write well wishes on and then hang them on the tree, bird salt and pepper shakers, ah! it was perfect.

Do you want to see pictures?
Too bad if you answered no to that question, because I'm about to post a lot of them.
These pictures come from the cameras of my talented soul friend Robyn, and my sweet future mom in law Diane. Thank you both for capturing the special day!

I am so thankful for friends and family who planned, came, and gave Andrew and I some great gifts to start our life together! I can't wait for June.

Speaking of getting married, yesterday I went to petsmart to get Annie a name tag. I figured it was about time, now that she is learning that she can explore and not staying by my side for every step I take. I was typing "GUTHRIE" on the back with my number on it when I realized that I'm only going to have that name for oh, 60 something more days and these name tags are expensive (8 bucks, by the way...CRAZY)! So, this is what I did:
I had to let Annie gnaw on my hand to get a decent photo of it and it's still blurry. If you can't tell, it says Crosby and has both Andrew and I's numbers on it. Every time I look at it I feel happy and excited.
Annie is excited about being a Crosby, too. Even though she is constantly trying to attack that darn dangly thing that makes noise around her neck. She caught it yesterday and walked around with it in her mouth so proudly for about 5 minutes (which is a very long time for her to stay focused on one thing...the pup has bad ADD).

I apologize for not being able to write one blog post without talking about the dog. One day, soon and very soon, I will do it.

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