Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's new?

A whole bunch of things. If you care to know...

I'm completely moved, attempting to enjoy this living alone thing. It's hard for me. We have discussed this before. I don't do alone well. It is nice sometimes, but then I start talking to myself, and it's all down hill from there. I know it's bad when I get excited about "getting" to go clean my old house with my roommates.

I have been pretty occupied though, so that has been good. I started my job this Monday. So far I have sat through around 16 hours of lectures about privacy policies, safety policies, self defense, more privacy stuff; and have learned how to use these awesome patient lifts.
I really think this job is going to be a fantastic opportunity to learn a whole bunch. I'm already learning a whole bunch and tomorrow is just day 3.
My brain is going through information overload about 99% of the time.

Statistics is coming right along. It's much harder than I anticipated. I'm not sure why I anticipated an easy class...it's statistics. I'll be glad when it's over, but it's not awful.

Andrew got to visit last weekend. It was way too short of a visit, but we sure did cram a lot of fun into those couple of days! We got Whataburger twice (one of Andrew's favorite TX treats), went to a Rangers game, visited with family, rode 4 wheelers, spent lots of driving time together, and Andrew got to meet most of my mom friends and all their adorable kiddos at lil Kate's 3rd birthday party. I was not good about taking pictures, which I always regret. Maybe someday I'll get better. Here's a cute one though...

These next couple of weekends will be wedding weekends. Friday and Saturday, Kelsey & Luke's wedding. Sunday, Monica's bachelorette party. Next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Monica & Bret's wedding. It's an exciting time, for sure.

Lots and lots of learning, driving, and wedding reception dancing in my near future.
Can't complain.
Also, 347 days until I graduate.
Just sayin'.

1 comment:

Allie said...

347 days ha ha ha