Thursday, June 10, 2010

Embarrassing Moment 1

Last night at work some of the ladies were discussing their most embarrassing moments. Since I'm new, and just some young'n student with no experience, I'm not really welcome in their conversations. So instead of participating, I eavesdrop and attempt to hold in my laughter until one of them catches me and orders me to go wipe someone's behind.

Behind wiping is beside the point though.

What I was getting to was that they made me think of my most embarrassing moments. I know I must have more, because I could only think of 3. I think think the issue is that I hardly ever get embarrassed. Even in these "most embarrassing moments" I wasn't all that embarrassed. So since they weren't as traumatizing as one would expect, I guess my brain refuses to remember.

Here we go:
Embarrassing moment #1:
At a pool party in 7th grade, I was wearing a brand new bathing suit. One that I was very proud of. It was a little too big, probably because my grandma liked things to last for as long as possible and convinced me that it would be better to buy one that would fit next year, too! The boys were having a flip/diving competition and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to try and show some pre-teen boys who was boss. So I went up to the diving board where I confidently announced that I was the champion and did the most memorable dive of my life. When I came up for air I quickly figured out why my butt cheeks were so cold. My bathing suit bottoms were gone. I swam over to the edge nonchalant like and called Danielle over. After explaining the situation to her, she rounded up the other girls and they went searching. Too bad at this point all the boys were already laughing, pointing, and probably making comments like "you're the NAKED champion." I deserved it. I was too confident. They brought me my bottoms, I slipped them on, went and put on my jean shorts, and did some more dives.

Because nobody likes a naked diver.

I tried to find a picture of me from 7th grade to give you a visual image of my extreme awkwardness, but I didn't have any luck.
I did find this though, and I thought it was pretty cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoa! changed up the page since last night. You sneaky Allye, you!