Monday, June 14, 2010

Lake love

There are so many things to love about the lake.

Getting your breath taken away a little from jumping in the cold water after sitting in the sun for a while.
Riding on a boat so fast that you can feel your eye lids being pushed by the wind.
Being able to rest your head on your life jacket whenever your neck gets kinda tired.
Flying off of a tube and skimming across the water.
The smell of sunscreen.
Waving at the other boaters. People are so friendly on the lake. Everyone waves and smiles (or in Belton, raises their beer cans and hollers "YEEEEEEHAWWWWW!!!").
Letting your hair air dry as crazy as it wants to, and not caring a single bit.
Watching the sunset on the water.
There's just something magical about it all.
It's so simple, and so perfect.
This evening I felt like it was summer for the first time.
It was great. Exactly what I needed.
A great big dose of happiness, mixed with sunshine and fishy smelling water.
Pretty delicious if you ask me.

1 comment:

Allie said...
